A daily family ibaadah organizer that helps you and your family keep track of your acts of worship on a daily basis.
A daily family ibaadah organizer. This A4-sized printable will help you and your family stay on track of your daily salah, as well as other good deeds that you aspire to do on a daily basis. Simply tick each deed as soon as you have completed them, or at the end of the night when you are reflecting on your day.
A single-page PDF document.
This item is a digital file. This means that once you make the payment, you will be redirected to a PDF file to download. Please download it on your computer, print it out and use it. It is advised that you laminate the PDF so that you can tick on it, wipe it off and use it on a daily basis. That is better than printing several copies for daily use.
Terms of Use
This printable is for personal use only, and it is not transferrable. Please do not send the PDF to anyone through any means. Rather, direct them to this page so that they can purchase their copy. This PDF is sole copyright of Raising Mumeens. You do not have permission to host the PDF on your website or to share it with someone else. This is an Amanah and Allah is witness to everything.
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